Healthcare Consulting

We work closely with each of our clients knowing that every situation is unique and requires unique solutions. With this understanding we take a methodical approach with each of our clients and look at all angles to better understand the challenges and find solutions tailored fit for your organizations.

Fundamental in all of our engagements is a evidence based, data-driven philosophy that helps us to gain a clear understanding of the organization and the external and internal forces in which the organization must operate. It is this commitment to developing a strong foundational understanding of our client while engaging with key stakeholders in an organization that helps us to form a relevant picture from which to work from.

Core Service Offerings:

  • Corporate Strategy
  • Operational Improvement/ Waste Reduction
  • Performance and Quality Management
  • Health System Design
  • Clinical Services Redesign
  • Contract Negotiations
  • Accounting and Financial Advice
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Resources optimization